Commemoration Service of Shincheonji's 35th Anniversary for Foundation Day at the 14th of March, 2019

Commemoration Service of Shincheonji's 35th Anniversary for Foundation Day at the 14th of March, 2019
  God left from the Earth because Adam ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and people committed sins. Satan took possession of and ruled over the world. Satan’s rule has forced people to die and suffer, so people have forgotten God with a hard and vain life. But God has worked to seize Satan and heal all creation. The end of this work is done by fulfilling the prophecy of Revelation. Revelation has been fulfilled and the fulfillment has been proclaimed to the world on March 14th, 1984. And today, on March 14th, 2019, the God’s nation meets the 35th anniversary which testifies the physical fulfillment! Hallelujah! Let's have this good news together! 


- The history of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony
  God has worked for 6,000 years to restore the world. God did the work of the First Coming through Jesus and promised the New Testament, Revelation. God created Shincheonji Church of Jesus, The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony according to Revelation.
  On March 14th, 1984, the Foundation day of Shincheonji Church was declared and the first temple was built. On March 14th, 1995, the twelve tribes of the church were created according to the shape as it is done in heaven. Each tribe has established numerous district churches and Zion Christian Mission Centers. In 2018, There were 266 Zion Centers in Korea and 167 in other countries.
  In 2009, the official Internet cafe, “The Correct Understanding of Bible and Shincheonji”, was opened to spread the revealed word of Shicheonji Church to all around the world. In 2012, Shincheonji Internet broadcast was started to service.
  Shincheonji Church held the first National Sports Festival in October 1993 and the Festival is opened every four years. The 7th Heavenly Culture Peace Festival was held with 200,000 people attending at the 18th of September, 2016. The scene was broadcasted live on the Internet by being translated into 8 languages simultaneously around the world.
  The Shincheonji Volunteer Group have led voluntary service for neighbor and society throughout Korea. In only 2018, the Volunteer Group did 80,292 voluntary works
-The Christian Council of Korea vs Shincheonji Church
  To stand against Shincheonji Church, CCK (the Christian Council of Korea) and CBS (Christian Broadcasting System) declared war on and slandered Shincheonji Church. Through statements, rallies against CCK, and distribution of leaflets, Shincheonji Church has notified to the world the corruptions of CCK and CBS such as the cozy relations between politics and religion, human rights violation, bribery and so on. In addition, Shincheonji Church handed out videos and brochures of 200 Doctrines Comparison between CCK and Shincheonji, revealing CCK’s false doctrines to the whole world. Especially after several street tests with about one million citizens, more than 95 percent of them admitted that the word of Shincheonji Church was right. Already, the corruption of CCK was shown to all people through 2 New York Times ads and the 200 world press.

-The place of true faith, Shincheonji Church
  Shincheonji Church teaches the best truth in the 6,000-year history of the Bible, and saints of the church sealed the word of the new covenant on their mind taking several exams. As God, the Creator and Life, and Jesus are with Shincheonji Church, more than 20,000 people enter the church every year. Let us give thanks and glory to God, the Creator. Hallelujah!


1 comment:

  1. What an amazing history and a brilliant article. Shincheonji is God and humanity's greatest and only hope.
