Korean Christian Press, “Although Shincheonji Church of Jesus is without fault…Please stop them now”

Christian press continues to slander Shincheonji Church of Jesus in favour of the established denominations Despite local government’s ‘Zero-fault’ findings
Busan CBS published an article criticizing local government for not penalizing Shincheonji Church of Jesus, even though local government found ‘Zero-fault’ regarding the report about Shincheonji Church of Jesus’ Andrew Tribe Training Institute on 30th July.
According to Shincheonji Church of Jesus, some Christian press has republished existing articles in order to pressure local government into protecting the vested rights of the established order. Shincheonji Church of Jesus, which has been growing rapidly in recent times, has become a victim of unilateral criticism by the Christian press and a number of Christian organizations because of the current phenomenon of many churchgoers leaving their churches.
In particular, a leading executive of a certain Christian media agency once confessed that the press has been mobilizing all its reporters to pressure local government and judicial authorities (police, prosecutors etc.) into penalizing Shincheonji Church of Jesus for a few years.
The logic of the Christian press in wanting to apply legal and administrative penalties on the grounds that it does not belong to the established order - which is not even a debate over Biblical doctrine - can be understood as the Christian press wanting to abuse its position entirely for its own advantage.
It is only the Christian press which slanders Shincheonji Church of Jesus, in contrast to major national press which has recently been reporting positively on the growth of Shincheonji Church of Jesus’ congregation and various volunteer works. This proves that the intention of the Christian press is to promote the vested rights of the established order.
Moreover, it has been verified that civil complaints made against Shincheonji Church of Jesus have mostly come from neighboring churches and church officials who carry out a coercive conversion program for monetary gain. So there has been a repetitive process of filing civil complaints against Shincheonji Church of Jesus which the Christian press has been publishing to pressure local government.
In fact, Shincheonji Church of Jesus has suffered numerous administrative disadvantages through these repeated civil complaints and reports. Shincheonji Church of Jesus has been deprived of its basic rights in the Republic of Korea because of the legal and administrative process and because it doesn’t belong to the established denomination.
A representative from Shincheonji Church of Jesus emphasized: “Law and principles must not be biased, but be applied to all people fairly. The issue of the declining phenomenon of churchgoers in the established church should be resolved by cleansing itself through inner reforms, not by applying unjust penalties to other denominations.”

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