Shincheonji Church, Response from participants about the Open Bible Seminar

  The Open Bible Seminar on the Second Coming and Harvest, hosted by Shincheonji Church of Jesus, The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony. Already it was held in two big cities.
  So what was the reaction of those who took part in the Open Bible Seminar in the cities? Let's take a look at the interviews of the participants!
Prof. Seokyoung Gohng
"It (Shincheonji Church) has great words from the Bible that we must learn. Today's event was so beneficial. I hope Shincheonji Church will provide this word for the youth and for people throughout Korea. Shincheonji Church respects other religions, and also promotes freedom of religion. Slandering other religions and the practise of coercive conversion programs is the worst. We must stop that."

Mr. Gyeongju Nah, A teacher of Won-Buddhism
"I listened very well to him speaking. It was incredible that Chariman Lee of Shincheonji Church fully explained the Bible with the words of the Bible. I've heard that Chariman Lee is now very old, but he was so energetic and vigorous. His words about the harvest time and end time sounded good to me. I believe that we need to live a life that keeps the word of God."

A Christian from Guri city, Gyeonggi province
"I thought to myself that I need to perceive the words of the Bible, which I don't know. I'm going to read the Bible again from Genesis."

Mr. Younggil Noh, a citizen in Seoul
"I had a little taste of heaven today. I saw the look of every participant and they looked happy and smily. I thought to myself, 'wow, heaven is being created like this'."

Mr. Donghyeon Kim, a church elder
"To be honest, I don't know the Bible much in spite of my position as an 'Elder'. He, Chairman Lee, explained much about Revelation, such as the 12 tribes and sealed 144,000. Yeah, I've read all of them and I know these things are in the Bible. However, he is actually carrying out these words in reality. He really is doing that. I think that this is the right thing, and I also think that I need to do a Bible study."
Mr. Lee
“It’s my first time participating in Shincheonji Church of Jesus’ seminar. I experienced a very beautiful and true church. It's my first time participating in such a seminar like today's and I believe that I’ve had a taste of heaven. I was amazed by Chairman Lee’s message and I appreciate his words, despite his old age. I had a very good and joyful time here and I hope that there will be more opportunities to listen to his words.”

Mr. Jeon
“I hadn't ever thought about the Bible, but it is amazing knowing that the word in the Bible is actually being fulfilled according to prophecy. I applied for their follow-up education course because I still have questions and want to know more. It’s difficult to imagine but there are amazing things that I want to know more about and learn.”

Mr. Joh
“I can recall bit-by-bit what he (Chairman Man Hee Lee) preached 5 years ago. Like last time, he reiterated that we have to know the word of the Bible. It’s difficult suggesting to others that they listen to him because of the false rumors people have heard about Shincheonji Church of Jesus. I think it is important to make time to listen to him.”

Mr. Kim
“I was impressed to hear about the two seeds - the seed of God and the seed of the devil - and I wondered what they were. He (Chairman Man Hee Lee) asked, ‘Are you harvested?’ I don't know what that is in the Bible, so I'd like to find the answer.”

Mr. Jongcheol Jung. A pastor from the Full Gospel denomination.
“I was confident that I knew a lot about the Bible. I was moved by the chairman’s words and received much grace from him. I also want to learn this word to give to my acquaintances. Moreover, after today’s lecture, I will tell my colleague pastors that Shincheonji Church of Jesus is not a cult or a heretical church.”

Mr.Jeon, who participated after reading a newspaper advertisement
“The seminar changed my thoughts about Shincheonji Church of Jesus. I would participate in it again more than 10 times. I want to listen to the word from Shincheonji Church of Jesus again. I’m applying for their follow-up course.”

Ms. Roh
“I’ve only heard about Shincheonji through rumors but, after listening to him with my own ears, I thought that this is the true church. I can’t apply for their follow-up education course because of my work schedule so I will take their online course.”

Ms. Kim
“I remember that the blood Jesus shed 2000 years ago was to establish God’s Kingdom - New Nation and New People. However, some people loudly oppose and hinder the work of God and Jesus. This really shows their evil intentions"
The remaining schedules are as follows:
Daejeon: Oct. 17th, 19:00(UTC+9)
Daegu: Oct. 25th, 19:00(UTC+9)
Busan: Oct. 26th, 14:00(UTC+9)
Gwangju: Nov. 2nd, 14:00(UTC+9)

Watch the Open Bible Seminar live, everyone! You can also apply for Shincheonji Open Bible Seminar Follow Up Education:)
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