Death and Medicine: Definition and Phase of Death

Death and Medicine: Definition and Phase of Death
   “Human is the only animal that knows he's going to die. But we forget that 'Life is only at this moment' by acting as if we are living forever. The only thing you can see is the present.” - Dennis Porter, a British playwright with late stage pancreatic cancer.
   As Dennis Porter mentioned, we usually plan and invest for the future as a matter of course. We naturally make plans for a year on the New Year. We live with the thought that we would not have anything to do with death. But we don't know when to die. One in ten people is killed in a sudden accident. ‘I’ could die tomorrow or this year. It's a medicine that saves people, but people in medicine also learn about death. ‘The definition of death, Psychological phase patients suffer, furthermore, the question about Ontologisch.
When will I die? Have you ever thought about your death? Like the following question.
-When, where, why would I die?
-What's the phase of my death?
-Who would watch my death?
-What do I regret most?
-What happens to me after I die?
   What's the cause of my death? The most probable answer would be cancer. Cancer is the most cause of death. Where shall I die? The answer would be at medical institution. The main locations of the dead are 57 percent of medical institutions, 30 percent of house, and 10 percent of patient transport. Then what state can we say ‘I'm dead’?
   Death, of course, has a mental and social perspective as well as biology and physiology. And most of the cases are preceded by the latter.
-Social death: acknowledge and accept the inevitability of impending death by the people around the patient.
-Psychic death: the patient's own admission of and acceptance of the impending death
-Biological death: brain death as the patient's consciousness disappears.
-Physiological death: Legal death the patient's pulse, breathing, and brain wave stop.
   From the late 1960s, the focus of death was shifted from a cardiac arrest to a brain stop. Then, in 1981, a definition of death was established, which means an irreversible stop to all functions of the brain, including the brain stem, with an irreversible stop to cardiopulmonary functions.
   What would the patient think before death : fear of pain, a longing for belonging and friendly relations, face with existential questions, a conflict involving spiritual desires, questions of Ontologisch, retrospect of life and so on. And most of patients follow these steps.
The psychological stage of death
1. Denial and Isolation: I'm not yet. I don't think so.
2. Anger: Why me? There are a lot of bad people in the world and I have lived uprightly
3. Bargaining: Yes, I admit But if I could live this time...
4. Depression: Yeah, it's my turn, apathy to treatment, only tears.
5. Acceptance: resign myself to my fate
   On the contrary, what people want before they die is : not to suffer severely, respect for my decision, no burden to my family, wish to be treated as a human being, wish to continue my bond with my loved ones.
   When a person faces death, he or she suffers from demoralization (lack of will in life, different from depression) as he or she loses the meaning of life and does not go the way he or she wants to.
For example, “I live only one or two months. Why should I spend all my money and give my family much trouble ? What's the meaning of my life now?” In reference to Victor Frankel's book, <In the Death camp>, ‘One day, a person suddenly didn’t stand up and do nothing as if they were dead. No one could lift this person up despite of beating and swearing. And this man died a few days later’.
Questions to you!
-What would you do if your life were only 6 months away?
-When was the most accomplished and splendid time in your life?
-If you were completely free from the expectations of others in your life, what would you look like now?
-What does spirituality and religion mean to you?
-Where is your life now?
-What is five things you'll regret the most when you die?


  1. What would you do if your life were only 6 months away? This question is really meaning to me. :)

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