Meaning of Revelation? the Final work of God! – The Bible study in Shincheonji church

The Correcting Understanding of Bible and Shincheonji
The Bible study in Shincheonji church
Revelation, the Final work of God
  Whether it's in a writing, a speech, or an idea, the conclusion is very important. In one article, the conclusion is a clear indication of what the article is saying, and if a person does not finish a speech well regardless of how the person had a good speech before, there will be no speech that is more lacking than that.
  God has written all his will in 66 books of the Bible. Particularly, in the final book of the Bible, Revelation, the prophecy of the New Testament is compiled and the purpose of God's six thousand years of history, the laws of his last work, and the place where God is with people is recorded. Wouldn't we have to realize the conclusion of the Bible, the meaning of Revelation, so that we can make a true faith or say that we know the Bible?

  God has made work to heal all that was lost by Adam's rebellion. God works through prophecy and fulfillment, and in Isaiah 14:24 the covenant must be fulfilled. At the First Coming, Jesus fulfilled according to the promise given in Jeremiah 31 and promised a new covenant to create a new work. The new covenant is Revelation and when Revelation is fulfilled, the Second Coming, Re-creation take place.

  Revelation shows the Re-creation, how the kingdom of God is created, what the qualifications are to enter the kingdom of God, and where God is with. I hope you don't become a man without knowledge like Hosea 4:6 and realize the true meaning of the Bible in Shincheonji Church, which teaches you the prophecy and fulfillment of Revelation for free!!
  The following article is about "Revelation, the final work of God" of "The Correcting Understanding of Bible and Shincheonji"



  1. Reading this post, I realise how much grace I have received to be in God's kingdom. It's sometimes easy to forget. Thank you for reminding me.

  2. I am so happy to know the truth.

  3. I want to participate at the final work of God too
