Shincheonji church worship, Earnest prayers for hope

Shincheonji church, earnest prayers for hope at worship

God, the Lord and the Creator of all creation,
we praise to the Lord forever.
To spend 2018 and to meet 2019, the New Year,
let us live with gratitude for your grace
offering us this worship in front of our Father.

The Lord with full of love,
Since Jesus, the gospel of the heaven spread to the world,

But we are so ashamed of ourselves
for some churches to be tainted with corruption and injustice.
Please forgive those who are blinded by money and keep away Father’s Word.

Please make them repent and lead them to the Word again.

The holy and honorable Lord,
put your hands for salvation to this sinful world so save them from danger.
Please accompany us with the angels of heaven to preach the gospel.
Let our loving family and neighbors join with us in the path of the heaven.
We have no ability, but you said if you join us, there's nothing we can't do,
so please be with us all the time.
Allow your wisdom and sagacity to the missionary whom you select.
May the Word of God be praised at day and night.
Let the Word be engraved in our thoughts and minds.
We would like you to be honored alone by this worship.
Let us worship in spirit and truth to our Father.
Also In face of test and difficulty, let us overcome through faith.
Let us think of Father's great love.

The Lord who promises and fulfills,
implant the heart of God in our hearts.
Let us do not complain when we do Father's work.
When we live in the world,
please help us to keep our thoughts and minds at all times not to be sinned.
Allow the pastor who delivers the Word the strength of the spirit and body.
Everywhere we go, let us deliver the light of the Lord.
Open heart of everyone whom we meet and make them welcome to the Lord.
Let all the saints remember the first love they received from Father.
Let them do Father’s work with enthusiasm and passion.
Keep your words close to us and allow us realization.
Let us do Father's work by action.
Let us experience God alive today.
May us always have positive mind so that we can live happily every day.
Let us be together with those in need.
Let our character be equipped
so that all of us may be able to convey the fragrance of Christ.
Let us not hate but love each other and believe
in the criteria of the Bible you gave us.
I would like you to be honored alone by this worship.
I pray so earnestly in the name of Jesus, the way, the truth and the life.