Do you know the promise of God? - Shincheonji Church Bible Study

The Promise of God and the Current State of the World
The Correct Understanding of Bible and Shincheonji
Shincheonji Church Bible Study
  Just as on earth, our actions are divided between legal and illegal through the law, so do in heaven through the Bible, which is the law of heaven. It is very important for us to know what the promises in the Bible apply to “me” because God works through prophecy and fulfillment. 
  As the every age, those who kept God's promise and those who did not keep it were clearly split. In Adam's time, God left and Satan ruled the world because Adam and his wife ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which God prevent eating. In Noah, those who obeyed the word that the flood would come and people should go to the ark were saved but those who did not were swept away by the flood. In Jesus, the Twelve who believed in Jesus would be blessed with Jesus (Mt 19:28), but those who did not believe were cursed. And God's promise applies equally to the New Testament, when Revelation fulfills (Mt 24:37-39).
  In Mt 24:37-39, it is said that something similar in Noah will happen at the Second Coming of Christ. It is that you should be careful because people do not keep the promise of God and be cursed through their acts that people are busy only to their works so neglect the promise even if the promise is being fulfilled. When we know the Book of Revelations of St. John, we can keep the promise and be blessed. 
  However, do you know that Revelation is being fulfilled? The promised pastor of Shincheonji Church is testifying the evidence that he saw the scene that Revelation was being fulfilled. Also he is trying to create the will of God on earth. The world seems to be quiet and routine and nothing seems to happen, but God's last promise is being fulfilled. Do you know God's promise? Do you know the New Testament, Revelation? Where and how is Revelation being fulfilled?
  If God's last promise is being fulfilled, knowing God’s will will be much greater than getting anything else. It will even be a greater blessing than getting the universe! And it's not a dream, it's a reality! More and more people are coming to learn and recognize this precious word. Since people have been separated by promises in every age, people should know and keep the testament as soon as possible. I hope you learn about God's promise in the Bible and realize it as soon as possible.
  Under article is "The Promise of God and the Current State of the World" of "The Correct Understanding of Bible and Shincheonji"