Fulfillment of Revelation, Something difficult to believe –Shincheonji Church Bible Study

Fulfillment of Revelation, Something difficult to believe –Shincheonji Church Bible Study
The Correct Understanding of Bible and Shincheonji
To All the People in the World
  By the 16th century, people in Europe thought that the geocentric theory was more true than the heliocentric theory, and it was also related to the power of the Pope. But Galileo took a telescope and looked at the celestial sphere, and found out that Aristotle was wrong when he discovered four satellites around Jupiter. It was a very innovative discovery. Galileo was sure, but at that time, claiming the heliocentric theory was burning at the stake and people did not believe it.
  If a man knows a precious truth, but the world does not know it and not believe it, he will be frustrated. The same is in the Bible. Ezekiel, who was at the age of the Old Testament, must deliver the word of God, but he sat for seven days-overwhelmed because the Israelites at the time had been too rebellious. At the First Coming, Jerusalem pastors, who had been known to have the greatest faith in God, did not believe in Jesus. And this is happening today.
  God prophesied in the New Testament, one of which, Revelation, has the last of his will and purpose. When Revelation is fulfilled, the six-thousand-year purpose of God is to be done. And this is happening now, and it's being told by a promised pastor. But people do not see and not believe this by thinking “Is Revelation being fulfilled by now? no way.”, “What does it have to do with me?”, “Isn’t it weird?”, “I will be saved if I go to my trusted church.”. How frustrated is the promised pastor to testify Revelation?
  Clearly, the Bible says that you cannot get salvation unless you realize Revelation (Rv 1:3, Rv 22:18-19). If you don't know the word of Revelation, I hope that you learn it and be saved as soon as possible.
  Under article is "To All the People in the World" of "The Correct Understanding of Bible and Shincheonji"

1 comment:

  1. It is indeed a miracle that Revelation is being fulfilled and can be difficult to believe, but when this is shown clearly according to the Bible, one should believe.
