“That day and time” promised in the Bible - Shincheonji Church Bible Study

“That day and time” promised in the Bible
The Correct Understanding of Bible and Shincheonji
Shincheonji Church Bible Study
  What is the purpose of our faith? Why do we believe in God? What can we get from studying the Bible? Just to be good or be successful, there will be many other things to do rather than to have a faith or to read the Bible. The purpose of a faith is to go the heaven, and the purpose of reading the Bible is to do so.
  So how can we enter the heaven? When can we be blessed by God? Some say by being dead or other say by being rapture. But, in reality, those who said by being dead have not wanted to die to enter the heaven and those who said by being rapture have not been being rapture. The words of these people are not shown in the Bible so it is lies.
  As we can know when we see the meaning of  “Bible”(the old and new testament), it's a book about “Promise.” If that day(or that time) when God promises comes, God will bless us and the heaven come into earth(Rev 21). 

   Those who know the Bible will recognize how to join in order to enter heaven but those who don’t will recognize nothing. Let’s realize the Bible and Let’s join together at that day and time.

1 comment:

  1. Very clear and well-written. Thank you. "That day" will certainly come and one should be ready to receive it.
