The Bible, the Standard Between Orthodoxy and Heresy – Shincheonji Church Bible Study

The Bible, the Standard Between Orthodoxy and Heresy
The Correct Understanding of Bible and Shincheonji
Shincheonji Church of Jesus
  Recently, a shooting in Netherlands killed innocent people. How can he shoot so many people, same human? The assailant thought he was superior to other races because he was white person. He got wrong ideas others were threatening to white, so he shot them. But all people are equal in earth. The above brutality ignoring human rights should never happen.
  Meanwhile, do you know that such acts to abuse human rights and discriminate others are occurring in the religion? In Christianity, which believes in God, some people are polarizing or discriminating other denominations by their self-proclaiming that they are superior to others. This is especially happening in the CCK (Christian Council of Korea), an organization representing Christianity in Korea.
  Their actions are as follows: selling and buying the position of presidential election; more than 120,000 pastors in CCK who have been convicted; rasing nose within the country by falsely claiming rapture; distorting the Word of God in a different sense. Even though, they are self-calling they are orthodox and persecuting other denominations which aren’t associated with them by labeling them as heresy. Moreover, their coercive conversion killed 2 women.
  Calling oneself orthodoxy or heresy does not mean that one can be orthodox or heretical. Also, It is the terrible curse to label other as heresy. That can plant disgust to believers and cause a murder or a war. In religion, everyone must obey God's will, not human thoughts. It's a true orthodox to believe according to the Bible. Let's check out the Bible and the following “the Correct Understanding of Bible and Shincheonji”, and I hope for people to be one by right criteria, not to condemn each other.



  1. Thank you for this article. In brief, because God is the word (Jn 1:1), orthodoxy is God and His word, and heresy is lies about the word.

  2. When religion is harmonized and united, the world is considered to be a world of peace
