Shincheonji Church Bible Study, Come to Dialogue for perceiving Revelation, to enter the kingdom of heaven.

The Prophecy of the Book of Revelation, and the Testimony of Its Fulfillment
The Correct Understanding of Bible and Shincheonji
Shincheonji Church of Jesus 
  In times of the Old Testament, Moses did not build the tabernacle of God arbitrarily, but as it is in heaven. Jesus did not say his own thoughts, only to say God’s thoughts. Even in this times, if you are a believer, you must believe in God's will, not in your own will. Now is the age when Revelation is being fulfilled, and only when you realize it can you have true faith.

  Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony is the physical entity of the fulfillment of Revelation. Any church cannot testify the fulfillment of the prophecy of Revelation except Shincheonji Church as it built according to Revelation.
  Do you master the Book of Revelation? Do you prepare the lamp and oil for the Lord? Are you harvested? Are you sealed? Do you enter the promised kingdom? If you don't know about this, Come to Shincheonji Church of Jesus to perceive the words of the promise of the Bible. The door for dialogue is opened to everyone!


1 comment:

  1. Shincheonji church is testifying the fulfilment of the prophecy of Revelation today.
