A Worship Prayer on August, Shincheonji Church of Jesus

Father God, The beginning of creation

Thank you for allowing us to breathe today
and to keep healthy during the hear wave
and to congregate for worship at the God’s temple.

Keep our congregation member who went off on a journey
in the last holiday season to come back unharmedly.
Let us be created in the image of Father
by working hard in our Father’s work.

Let us make our heart, our passion,
to be like sun in hot summer, August.
Give us the realization of the words of the New Testament,
being written by Jesus and the apostles who were bleeding
two thousand years ago.

Do not let us fell a single seed of word to the ground.
Let us the good soil yielding a hundread, sixty, or thirty times
Not rock ground, the thorns, nor along the path.

Today, in this worship,
I would like you to be honored alone, Father.
I pray so earnestly in the name of Jesus, who are crucified for us.


1 comment:

  1. All people will soon come to learn the truth at Shincheonji Church of Jesus. Thank you for your prayer.
