A Korea Newspaper : Why many people go to Shincheonji Church to learn the Bible?

 A Korean media reported the phenomenon that many people go to Shincheonji Church to learn the Bible. Let's check out what the content is!!
 The growth rate of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Chairman Lee · Shincheonji Church of Jesus) in the first half of this year has reached a record high. Based on the growth, some predict that the number of saints will surpass 300,000 by the end of this year.
 Why do so many people come to the Shincheonji Church of Jesus?
 According to the Shincheonji Church of Jesus, a total of 34,558 people (27,711 in Korea and 6,847 abroad) were registered at the Zion Christian Mission Center (the Mission Center) run by the Shincheonji Church of Jesus in the first half of this year (at January to the end of June 2019). The figure is 2.3 times higher than 14,834 in the first half of last year (at January to the end of June 2018), which is 9,683 in Korea and 5,151 abroad.
 In particular, 156,315 people (141,737 in Korea and 14,578 abroad) were registered at the mission center at the end of June, 18.4 times from 8,488 people (7,175 in Korea and 1,313 abroad) at the end of June last year.
 With this, a total of 190,873 people has attended and registered at the Mission Center so far, which is expected to produce more than 100,000 students at the "Zion Christian Mission Center Graduation Ceremony" at the end of this year.
 As the background of great growth, Shincheonji Church of Jesus said, "Because the entire saints serve as an educator teaching the Bible, explosive growth is possible."
 Such figures do not only mean quantitative growth.
 To join the Shincheonji Church of Jesus, you must complete a six-month Bible course at the Zion Mission Center. If attendance is less than 90 percent or the test scores of elementary, middle and high exams are below 90 points, you retake classes. It is indeed a "narrow door" to complete the course of mission center and be registered as a saint of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus.
 Amid this situation, people who wanted to learn the Bible, but were unable to take the course due to their work and study, continued to ask, so the Shincheonji Church of Jesus opened its online lecture "Internet Zion Mission Center" as a "wide door."
 "Internet Zion Mission Center has opened a new way to learn the Bible, which transcends the spatial and temporal limits of the existing mission center," said an official at the church. "We will continue to look for people who are desperate for the word of God, considering various ways to learn the Bible from now on."
 It has been reported that 10,589 students registered just two months after the homepage of "Internet Zion Mission Center" was opened, which is being conducted on video lectures. In the future, online classes will be run worldwide in all languages of the world.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful article. Simply put, the reason why so many people are flocking to Shincheonji church is because it is the promised church of the New Testament
