103,764 Graduates from Shincheonji Church of Jesus only in 2019

 On November 10, 2019, Shincheonji Church of Jesus produced 103,764 graduates. It is unprecedented thing that happened only in 10 months. And the number of the nationalities of the graduates is 112. The total number of Shincheonji Church believers is 236,017, a four-fold increase from 2008. Now that there are about 200,000 people who are listening to the words of Shincheonji, it was not by human power, but by God's power, as promised according to Revelation 12:10~11.
 Not only Korea but also the whole world is paying attention to Shincheonji. Countless media are reporting the unprecedented 100,000 Graduation Ceremony of Shincheonji, and the miracles happen that all believers of some churches in the world want to listen the words of Shincheonji. In this era that lots of people are coming to the truth, come to Shincheonji Church, you too!!

 Shincheonji Bible Study Course Application

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