Open Bible Seminar of 12 Tribes of Shincheonji

Last “Open Bible Seminar of the Second Coming and Harvest” showed the following statistics
10/4 to 11/2 total 6 times
45,000 people applying to attend
30,000 people in attendance
10,000 consulted people
5,000 people connected to follow-up Bible course
 After the Open Bible Seminar, Shincheonji Church of Jesus held a 100K Graduation Ceremony. And to further spread out the truth to the world, Shincheonji Church also held the second Bible Seminar called “Open Bible Seminar of 12 Tribes of Shincheonji”
 Shincheonji Church is the country promised according to the Bible. By the Bible, Shincheonji created the 12 tribes. The 12 tribes are as follows: John, Peter, Busan James, Andrew, Thaddaeus, Philip, Simon, Bartholomew, Matthew, Matthias, Seoul James, Thomas. And each one of these twelve tribes had a Open Bible Seminar. The schedule and content are as follows:
Date : Nov. 15-16th, 2019
John tribe
- The Wine of Adulteries
Peter tribe
- The end of age
Busan James tribe
- The Counselor and the Elementary Teachings
Andrew tribe
- Creation of 12 Tribes, the New Kingdom, and the New Nation Promised in the New Testament
Thaddaeus tribe
- The Covenant and the New Covenant
Philip tribe
- Seed and Harvest, the Seed of God and the Seed of Devil
Simon tribe
- The Promised Temple and Judgement
Bartholomew tribe
- Have You Been Harvested at the Second Coming?
Matthew tribe
- The Reality of the Tree of Life
Matthias tribe
- Rev 6-7:, Rev 13-14:, Rev 18-19:
Seoul James tribe
- The Victory of God at the Second Coming
Thomas tribe
- Second Coming and Harvest

Below photos are in Peter tribe Bible Seminar

 Shincheonji Church of Jesus always tries to tell the world the truth of the Bible. Also everyone will flock to Shincheonji! Check it out quickly, too!!

Shincheonji Bible Study Course Application

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