Shincheonji Church of Jesus that marked the era of religion, open the era of one million believers

Which Church has achieved the most success in 2019? It is Shincheonji Church of Jesus that surprised the world this year. It volunteered and evangelize more than any other churches by enlightening the world.

Shincheonji Church was founded in 1984 promised by “New Heaven New Earth” written in the Bible and Shincheonji is the abbreviation of “New Heaven and New Earth” as a Chinese word. The promised pastor of Shincheonji saw in person the scene where the Revelation was fulfilling so he can testify the prophecy and fulfillment of the Revelaion without any adjustment. Based on this, Shincheonji Church can systematically teach the entire Bible and many people feel that there is truth in Shincheonji. Despite, to enter the church, people have to complete the course of Zion Christian Mission during 6 months for free, The number of believers of Shincheonji has exceeded 300,000 this year. The world is concentrating on Shincheonji Church.
Success on 100,000 Graduation Ceremony... The era of 1 million believers next year.
“Watching 100,000 people graduate, I was amazed and felt God was with here”
This is what external attendee of the ceremony says. On November 10, 2019, 103,764 people completed at the same time in 112 countries around the world, including Seoul, Busan, and Gwangju in S.Korea. This was achieved in 10 months, and those who saw the scene must have felt the power of truth once again.
The Zion Christian Mission Center teaches all about the Bible, and people have to go beyond a certain grade to complete. By the end of this course, people can be not just passive religious believers who only receive sermons but believers like pastors who preach the gospel
A person of Shincheonji said, “In addition to these graduates, more than 200,000 people are currently studying the Bible, and if this trend continues, the number of saints will exceed 1 million within three years,” and “As the wave of big change has already begun within the religion, we will spread the message that God is alive across countries, peoples, cultures, and religions.”
The promised pastor testify the word in person... Now is “the time of harvest”
The promised pastor of Shincheonji Church of Jesus testify in the big cities in S.Korea from October to November. At the first Open Bible Seminar in Seoul, he raises a curtain of “The Open Bible Seminar of Harvest and Second Coming.” After then, each tribe and church held seminars separately.
Also he held a Bible seminar for pastors of S.Korea. About 400 pastors, missionaries and church officials participate in the seminar, and the promised pastor emphazied the times of the Bible and the role of a pastor today.
he said, “We must know the times of Bible now. The Second Coming is like Noah’s according to the Bible. Only the people in the ark are saved also today.” and “The word of God is absolute. Faith is to see and believe the words of God’s promise when they are fulfilled. Long religious life and going to church well can’t lead us to the salvation.”
Let's become one by the word before fight each other.
The word spread of Shincheonji Church does not mean to polarise people. It is to become one by the word of the Bible. The promised pastor said, “It is important for believers to resolve problems through dialogue instead of fighting. before putting own’s churches, the believers should be reborn as the seed of God.”
A person of Shincheonji Church said “As we have to keep in mind the era of the one million graduate, we are focusing on faithfully conveying the word of God” and “We will continue to focus on the words of the Bible and properly nurture ministry and saints.” 

 Shincheonji Bible Study Course Application


  1. This is important news that we should not miss.

  2. 本当すごいだとしか思われないですね。


  3. 本当にすごいですね


  4. Wow, the growth of Shincheonji is amazed.
    I wonder why it's growing so fast.
