Shincheonji Church of Jesus in 2020? "The Time of God’s Reign will come."

 Shincheonji Church of Jesus has achieving work what said before. As meeting the New Year, the Promised Pastor of Shincheonji Church always announces the new slogan and must achieve it before the year’s end. The Shincheonji’s Slogan in 2019 is “The Year of Victory through the Seventh Trumpet and the Creation of the Multitude in White.” As the slogan, Shincheonji Church held 100,000 graduation ceremony and lots of people listened the word of Shincheonji. Then, what is the slogan in 2020? 

 The Promised Pastor announced the slogan in 2020 at the New Year's Eve service, “The Year of the Reign of God, the Last, Seventh Trumpet Sound, and the Completion of the Creation of the Multitude in White”

 There are phrases about the seventh trumpet and the multitude in white in Revelation of the Bible: The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said 'The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign for ever and ever.' And the countless Multitude in White come to the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony.
 According to the Bible, the slogan in 2020 means that this year, indeed, all people will know that Shincheonji Church is right and come to learn the word. So the true reign of God will start. 

 At the New Year's Eve service, the Promised Pastor said, “It is the time that God must rule the earth where demon has been king.” and “Let this year be and honor to God. Let us be the light of the glory of God. Let this Seventh Trumpet spread out everywhere. If then, the Multitude in White would come and Shincheonji Church become a great kingdom of God.

 He also said, “The Heaven helps us when we really believe in God and work for God. There will be many fun things in this year. Everything has to change from day to day. so we should ask ourselves in heart that ‘Am I created according to the Bible?’ and ‘Who am I in the Bible?’”
Shincheonji Bible Study Course Application

1 comment:

  1. We will witness a miracle of hope this year. Beautiful article.
