In 2020, Shincheonji Church gives greetings for Korean New Year's Day

In 2020, Shincheonji Church gives greetings for Korean New Year's Day
Shincheonji's 2020, Korean New Year's Day
  January is already passing after the new year, 2020, was bright. In Korea, there is a national holiday called Korean (or Lunar) New Year's Day, when people visit their hometown and their parents to greet them for the New Year's Day. Korean New Year's Day is at the 1st of Jan. of the lunar calendar, and this year it is at the 25th of Jan., 2020 of the solar calendar. As it is one of the biggest holidays in Korea, Shincheonji Church of Jesus, The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Known as Shincheonji Church of Jesus) also gave New Year’s greetings to the people on Korean New Year’s Day.
  The Headquarters of the General Assembly of Shincheonji Church gave greetings through a press on Tuesday at the 22th of Jan., "Happy New Year to the people. We wish you all peace and good health in meeting with New Year’s Day, the Korean biggest national holiday."
  "We, the congregation members of Shincheonji Church, pray for the Republic of Korea to become more prosperous, the people to be united and everyone to be happy in the New Year," Shincheonji Church of Jesus said. "We have achieved an increase in the number of believers in God's care in the past year“ and "In the past year alone, there have been more than 100,000 people who listened the word of Shincheonji, which is the fulfillment of the prophecy of Revelation, and joined us in the history of Shincheonji Church,” the church told.

  In fact, Shincheonji Church of Jesus held “100,000 Graduation Ceremony” meaning that 103,764 completed the Bible course. The whole world press reported about this and some religious groups have even predicted that Shincheonji Church will lead the religion in the future.

shincheonji 2020 new year

  Also, Shincheonji Church evaluated, “We held dozens of seminars which informed ‘The Gospel of the Physical Fulfillment’ including ‘Open Bible Seminar’ around the Korea and conveyed the gospel to the people as God’s trumpet” and “The appeal of Shincheonji Church had a great success which believers should correctly know not ‘formal faith’, the faith outside the Bible, but ‘Who I am in the Bible’, the faith according to the Bible so should believe in true faith in the Bible.”
  And then. “We will do out best for the people to realize and believe the fulfilling the work written as prophecy in the Bible into the earth.” and “We want you separate from the prejudices and bias made by those who only want to protect their vested interests and we pray for you to check and realize how the God’s prophecy in the Bible is fulfilled so be blessed,” the church said.
  At last, Shincheonji Church of Jesus said, “The Bible cannot be abolished. We wish you confirm God’s existence through the Bible and join the huge steps toward Shincheonji Church.” and “Happy New Year and the Korean New Year’s Day to be a full of grave and love.”

  Shincheonji Church of Jesus is a church that can teach the prophecy and the fulfillment of Revelation and thus deliver the correct words of the Bible. Anyone can learn the Bible for free.

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  1. Grateful to witness the fulfilment of God's promise in the four Gospels and book of Revelation. Thanks for sharing this brilliant article.

  2. Finally there is a way to understand the true meaning of the bible.

  3. Thanks for this wonderful article 😊🙏
