Shincheonji Bible Seminar Guides to True Faith through Revelation

Shincheonji Church of Jesus’ Open Bible Seminar Guides to True Faith through the Correct Meaning of Revelation of the Bible.
  To believe a religion or have faith is personal freedom. What is the essence of faith? Maybe it is to believe in God and pursue blessings and heaven. Then even if faith is a personal choice, shouldn’t we have the true meaning of faith if we have determined to do it? In order to have true faith, we must follow God’ will, not man’s. So what is the shape of a believer that God wants?   
  God wants everyone to be saved(1Timothy 2:4). he wants to know God rather than burnt sacrifice(Hosea 6:6). God is the Word(John 1:10) and if a person add to or subtract from Revelation, he or she cannot enter heaven. In other words, what God really wants is to realize and believe in the word of the Bible and Revelation, the prophecy of the New Testament is really important.
Chairman Man Hee Lee of Shincheonji Church of Jesus held Open Bible Seminar across South Korea... Lots of Counsel Requests for Follow-up Bible Course...
  Since October 2019, Shincheonji Church of Jesus held open Bible seminars. In the case of lectures in six major cities and Jeju Island in Korea, chairman Man Hee Lee gave lectures in person while other lecturers of Shincheonji Church of Jesus did in several local areas. Why have Shincheonji Church held many open Bible seminars for free? It is ensure that no one has not heard that Revelation, the promise of the New Testament, is fulfilled today. And it is God's will.
  Shincheonji Church of Jesus testifies the fulfillment of the prophecy of Revelation. So it has the correct word of Revelation and wants all people to go to true God by knowing it. The main titles of the seminars included “The Second Coming and Harvest,” “New Kingdom New People Promised in New Testament.” “The Elementary Teachings and Maturity.”
  Lecturer A who preached at one of the Bible seminars stressed, “God had promised sowing and Jesus promised the Second Coming to harvest after he sowed seeds. Jesus came back after 2000 years and harvested those who were born of the seed of God into Zion Mountain. Jesus has sealed those who were harvested through the revealed word of God, and these people are 12 tribes, the promised kingdom of the New Testament. It is Shincheonji which has the physical fulfillment of the promise of God and Jesus.
  Lecturer B explained, “When perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. and perfection is that people shall see face to face. We must abandon elementary teachings and go on to maturity,” and said “the fulfillment of Revelation is perfection. The new work to be created at the Second Coming is New Heaven New Earth, 12 tribes of new kingdom and new people. God, Jesus, and heaven will come and be together at this place. This place is perfection.”
  A pastor who attended the Bible seminar said, “I was surprised to listen the word of 100% Bible excluding individual thoughts, opinions and judgments. Just as Jesus testified the physical fulfillment of the Old Testament 2,000 years ago, Shincheonji Church do the fulfillment of the prophecy of Revelation in detail. The method is very similar. It is the word that all Christians should hear,” and “In fact, the religious world hardly know the word of Shincheonji. People shoud check and actively discuss the word at this time.” 
  A person who attended all of the Bible seminars in Busan, Korea, told, “I definitely felt that the word of Shincheonji were different from those of existing churches,” and “I have known the word of Shincheonji through a follow-up course. I realized Shincheonji Church was the place where the sons born of the seed of God gathered.
  The Shincheonji Bible Seminars in last year was attended by more than 40,000 people and countless pepople wanted to learn the word of Shincheonji. Let’s be true believers who scrutinize and examine the Bible, not just say “heretical” if listening Revelation is fulfilled.
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  1. Shincheonji Church of Jesus truly has the best Bible word anywhere.

  2. SCJ teaches content in depth, in a way that no other church has taught. Shouldn't we all learn the bible in this way?
