Zion Christian Mission Center of Shincheonji Church has Fulfillment of Prophecy of Bible

The Zion Christian Mission Center of Shincheonji Church of Jesus has the fulfillment of the prophecy of the Bible.
You can learn the correct meaning of the Bible at the center.
What is the Zion Christian Mission Center?
   Did you know Shincheonji Church of Jesus can testify the fulfillment of the prophecy of the Bible? Shincheonji Church has the physical fulfillment of Revelation. Revelation is a collection of the promise in the New Testament. So Shincheonji has the fulfillment of the whole Bible.
  Then what is the Zion Christian Mission Center? The Zion Christian Mission Center belongs to Shincheonji. The Zion Christian Mission Center has a systematic Bible course that people can learn the correct meaning of the Bible through. If you learn the whole course of the center and want to have true faith, then you can enter Shincheonji Church.
  Lots of people have recognized Shincheonji has the truth and want to learn the Bible at the Zion Christian Mission Center. Last year alone, 103,764 students graduated. As a single religious organization, the Zion Christian Mission Center has been turning out in greatest number of graduates in the world. In addition, it has more than 300 center except in S.Korea, including 15 countries such as the U.S.A., China, Japan, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, France, Spain, Austria, Italy, Australia, South Africa, India and the Philippines. Hundreds of pastors, who have acknowledge the truth that Shincheonji teaches, have renounced their ordainment.
  Just as God fulfilled his promise to Abraham at the time of Moses (Ex 12) and how God fulfilled the Old Testament at the first coming of Jesus (Jn 19:30), the New Testament is being fulfilled, and Shincheonji is testifying the physical fulfillment of the word (Rev 1:2; Rev 10, 22:16). This precious word is priceless and untradeable even if the whole world was given in exchange. Due to this reason, the teaching is without charge.
What is the exact course of the Zion Center?
  The Zion Christian Mission Center welcomes anyone who wishes to learn the Bible regardless of age, education, gender and social status. the curriculum is as follows:
1st Step : The True Knowledge of the Secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven
  God said to speak about the hidden things, things from of old in parables to the next generation. Jesus came to this earth and did so according to his Father (Ps 78:1-4, Mt 13:34-35). The Secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven, therefore was spoken within a parable (Mt 13:10-11), and when the time comes, it is promised the secret will no longer be in parable but will be told plainly (Jn 16:25). Nevertheless, today’s false pastors are instilling wrongful eschatology and lies which are not based on the Bible, but their own thoughts (Mt 13:25). 1st Step is a course in which one learns the true meaning of the parables that are written in the Bible. In Mk 4:10-14 however, it states if one does not understand parables, he or she cannot be forgiven nor will they be saved. 1st Step is a time to understand and place it on one’s heart.
2nd Step : Overall view of the Bible
  2nd Step is a course where one learns the major events of the Bible from Genesis, the prophets, and books from the 4 gospels to Judah. This helps grasp the general context of the Bible and prepare the students to learn the prophesies in New Testament and be saved (Jn 14:29). The content of the Bible can be classified into 4 groups: history, moral lessons (teachings/ instructions), prophecy and fulfillment. Therefore, one needs to differentiate what has yet to be fulfilled, that which is already fulfilled, and also between the moral lessons and history. In the prophecy, the ‘betrayer’ who is similar to Adam because he breaks a promise made with God, the ‘destroyer’ who is similar to the serpent and the ‘savior’ appears. Through 2nd Step, students are able to classify time, place, and characters properly.
3rd Step : Revelation
  This is the course in which students learn the prophecies and fulfillment of Revelation. The book of Revelation combines the 66 books of the Bible, and contains the finale outcome of the restoration, the 6,000 years of God’s work. It is fulfilled in accordance to how it was written, and the words of the prophecy must not be added to nor subtracted from. If anyone does, he or she would not be able to enter heaven (Rev 22:18-19). Only those who believe and keep the promise, at the time when the fulfillment of this promise is testified, will receive salvation and become the kingdom and priests of God.
Shincheonji Bible Study Course Application (Zion Christian Mission Center)