24 Wise QnA about Life and Death

24 Wise QnA about Life and Death

  24 wise questions and answers that were the talk of the town in 2011 are being re-emphasized today.

  Chairman Byungchul Lee, the founder of Samsung, posed 24 fundamental questions about life one month before his death in 1987. And Chairman Manhee Lee of Shincheonji Church of Jesus provided the definite answers to these 24 questions 24 years later.

shincheonji church byungchul lee

  Shincheonji Church can teach you everything of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.  For those who didn't know how to learn or who didn't want to go in person, you can now apply for the Bible study online. Easily sign up and learn something valuable!

Shincheonji Bible Study Course Application


  1. By knowing God and the Bible, we understand more about life! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Wow never knew about this ! Something new !
