[Bible Study Guide] The Meaning of "The Two Kinds of Spirits (God and Satan)" | Introductory Level - 1| Shincheonji Online Seminar

[Bible Study Guide]|Introductory Level|Shincheonji Online Seminar

  As a believer, he or she often thinks studying the Bible. Especially in the new year. But when we do, it's boundless. Thick Bible book and thin page. Difficult Genesis, the first of the Bible. The only thing that remains is the story of Adam and Noah. But when we see the instructive content such as Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, the only thing that remains is instructive. Eventually we don't know what the Bible says. What does God want to tell us? What contents is it in the Bible?


  Then, can we never know the acurrate contents of the Bible? It's not. There is a clear thing that the Bible tell us. We can realize it by learning accurately. Of course, we need to know the basic things and follow a specified curriculum. From now on, I will post the main contents the Bible on this blog. To know you the Bible correctly and wholly. The source of the postings is Shincheonji online seminar being broadcasted on Youtube. Since January 6, 2022, Shincheonji Church of Jesus has broadcasted the online Bible seminars every Monday and Thursday. If you watch the videos in person, you can know more and accurate contents. The address is as follows.


  Shincheonji Church Youtube: https://bit.ly/33M80j2


  Because there are many contents in a video, only a part of it will be posted on this blog. Today, let's learn about God and Demon, the most important and basic thing in the Bible. You can see the video about it below. https://bit.ly/en2022L1


The Meaning of "The Two Kinds of Spirits (God and Satan)"Introductory Level _ 1| Shincheonji Online Seminar


  There are two kinds of gods, God and Demon. What beings are them and how can we distinguish them?


  First of all, the reason why God gives us the Bible is to inform the existence of two gods.


1. Who is God?

  God is the Word and life and light(John 1:1~4). God is the creator of heaven and earth(Isaiah 37:16). God exists as a spirits, not as a body(John 4:24).


2. Who is Demon?

  Demon appears in the Bible as a opponent and a slanderer(1Peter 5:8). How did it come?


  Through Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14:12~15, in brief, Demon was originally an angel under a creation of God. But it got a full of greed and betrayed God.


  As a result, in the 6000-year Bible history, Demon confronts God, and the war between God and Demon continue.


  What does the war, as spirit, have relation with us, as body? It is because spirit works through body. So then, if we distinguish them, should we know how they work through body? How can we distinguish God and Demon? First, God predicts and fulfills. Demon cannot do(Deuteronomy18:22). More things are in this subject on Youtube. You will understand easier and more.

Shincheonji Bible Study Course Application




1 comment:

  1. 1900 pastors worldwide have signed an MOU to teach the Word of the Bible from Shincheonji to their congregations, and they are all participating in this Introductory 24-lesson seminar. This cannot be the work of man🙏
