[Bible Study Guide] The Basics of the Bible|Introductory Level _ 2|Shincheonji Online Seminar

  I posted 1st introductory level education of the Bible in the last time. I post 2nd of it. Likewise, there are too many contents of Youtube video, so only some of them are posted. If you want to see more, please refer to Shincheonji Online Bible Seminar on Youtube.


Youtube Video of the 2nd Lesson: https://bit.ly/en2022L2

  The Bible is the most steady seller but most difficult book. However, knowing the basics of the Bible, we can read easier. Let's check it today.


  However, knowing the basic common sense of the Bible makes it a little easier to access. Let's find out today.


The Basics of the Bible|Introductory Level _ 2|Shincheonji Online Seminar


This section has 8 subjects. It is as follows.

1. The Bible is a the book of the covenant.

2. The Bible is written by God.

3. Classifying the contents of the Bible.

4. The Bible is the history of war.

5. The importance of prophecy and fulfillment.

6. Seven periods of the Bible history.

7. The procedure of the fulfillment of prophecy.

8. The purpose of God's writing the Bible is salvation and eternal life from death, the cost of sin.


  Let's see 1. and 3. in this posting.


1. The Bible is a the book of the covenant.


  We call the Bible the book of the covenant. What promise between whom?

The Bible is a promise with the chosen people. The chosen of the Bible is selected and promised by God.


  The Bible is largely composed of the Old and New Testaments. The Old Testament is an old promise and The New Testament is an new promise. There are 39 books of the first testament and 27 books of the second testament. The Bible has a total 66 books, 1189 chapters, and 31101 phrases.


  First, the Old Testament. In Exodus 19:5~6, the Old Testament is a promise beween Jews and God. At that time, if jews kept the promise, they would be blessed, but if not, they would be cursed. Did the Jews keep the covenant? No. In Hosea 6:7, they broke the covenant like Adam. Why did they do? In 1Corinthians 13:26~27, they eventually did not know the real contents of the Bible.


Hosea 6:7 Like Adam, they have broken the covenant-they were unfaithful to me there.

Acts 13:26~27 'Brothers, children of Abraham, and you God-fearing Gentiles, it is to us that this message of salvation has been sent. The people of Jerusalem and their rulers did not recognize Jesus, yet in condemning him they fulfilled the words of the prophets that are read every Sabbath.


  The Old Testament is already past. Then, how about the new one? Has it to do with us?


  Through John 1:11, the object of the New Testament is those who believe in Jesus, that is, believers. So then, what do we have to do? It is shown throughout the New Testament, especially the Revelation. Just as the Jews, we should not know the contents the promise. Let's realize the contents of the New Testament and keep it to be blessed.


3. Classifying the contents of the Bible.


  How can we divide the contents of the Bible, largely? It is history, lesson, prophecy and fulfillment.


  History was written for alert and mirror.


1Corinthians 10:11 These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the fulfillment of the ages has come.


  Lesson was written to teach oneself to be a whole person


2Timothy 3:17 so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.


  Prophecy was written for people to see and believe when it is fulfilled. In other words, prophecy is a proof to believe. How much do you know the prophecy of the Bible?

shincheonji online bible seminar

  Fulfillment is literally achieved as predicted. It is like, in John 19:30, Jesus said, "It is finished."


  All believers who wish for heaven should get faith using the Bible as an absolute standard. In order to make the standard, we should realize the exact content of the Bible.

Shincheonji Bible Study Course Application




1 comment:

  1. 1900 pastors worldwide have signed an MOU to teach the Word of the Bible from Shincheonji to their congregations, and they are all participating in this Introductory 24-lesson seminar. This cannot be the work of man🙏
