[BIBLE STUDY GUIDE] The Figurative Language of the Secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven|INTRODUCTORY LEVEL _ 3|SHINCHEONJI ONLINE SEMINAR

[BIBLE STUDY GUIDE] The Figurative Language of the Secrets of the Kingdom of HeavenINTRODUCTORY LEVEL _ 3SHINCHEONJI ONLINE SEMINAR


The main reference: Matthew 13:34~35

Jesus spoke all these things to the crowd in parables; he did not say anything to them without using a parable. So was fulfilled what was spoken through the prophet: 'I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter things hidden since the creation of the world.'


Jesus spokes of the secrets of heaven as a figurative language. Shouldn't we know it in order to go to heaven?


The main contents of today's education are as follows.

1. The reason why we don't know the word despite seeing the Bible.

2. The reason why the Bible was written as a metaphor.

3. The secret of kingdom of heaven in Four Gospel and the Revelation.

4. When can we know the physical fulfillment of the secret of heaven sealed by a metaphor?

5. The results of the people who know the metaphor and the people who don't.

6. Examples of the solved figurative language.


Likewise, I will post a part of the whole content. You can see the detailed on Youtube of Shincheonji introductory level education.




The Bible of all believers having has the same content. However, the content is difficult. For example, can you understand such as "I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on his horns." in Rev. 13 or "The power of the horses was in their mouths and in their tails; for their tails were like snakes, having heads with which they inflict injury." in Rev. 12? Is it okay for each people to solve it randomly though God gives us the same Bible? Why is there difficult stories in the Bible?


1. The reason why we don't know the word despite seeing the Bible.

In Mt. 13:34, Jesus told his disciples the word as a metaphor. We don't understand because some of it is a figurative language. The above, bizarre, words of the Revelation also are figurative languages so we can't understand them. In other words, we should first realize the metaphor of the Bible to realize the whole.


Then, why did God and Jesus write the Bible in such a difficult metaphor? Why is not it written easily?


2. The reason why the Bible was written as a metaphor.

The first is to fulfill the Old Testament. In Ps. 78:1~2, a prophecy is written to speak the word as a hidden thing. To fulfill it, Jesus said the secret of heaven as a metaphor in Mt. 13:34~35.

Psalms 78:1~2 O my people, hear my teaching; listen to the words of my mouth. I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter hidden things, things from of old- 

So then, when can we realize the metaphor of the Bible?


By seeing John 16:25, people can realize the word when a prophecy is fulfilled. If now is the time when we can realize it, the whole metaphor in the Bible, it is the time, isn't it? We should understand the word asap.


Second, it is the secret of heaven. It's shown in the main reference. For example, suppose you enter by pressing the front door password when you enter the house. Is it okay for everyone to know the password? Only the family at home should know. Likewise, there is a opponent against God, so only the man of God knows and realizes.


5. The results of the people who know the metaphor and the people who don't.


In Mt 22:29, there are people misunderstanding God's word. We should not know the metaphor and misunderstand the Bible.


In Mark 4:10~12, those who realize a metaphor get forgiveness of sin and salvation, but those who don't can't get them.


Let's all realize the words of the Bible.

Shincheonji Bible Study Course Application




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  1. 2000 pastors worldwide have signed an MOU to teach the Word of the Bible from Shincheonji to their congregations and they are all participating in this Introductory 24-lesson seminar. Moreover, 11 million views were recorded across all seminars. Shincheonji's multiple press conferences are a sight to behold and a message of hope in these testing times🙏
