[Medical Information] Psychological Symptoms and Their Management

[Medical Information] Psychological Symptoms and Their Management


Psychological Symptoms and Their Management

Depression: Before suspecting depression, hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, electrolyte abnormality, and uses of other medications are should be excluded. Also, before depression medication, what can cause depression such as pain should be treated first. When depression is diagnosed, medication is a important therapy. Usually, SSRI, SNRI are used. With medication, nonpharmacologic interventions such as counseling can be helpful.


Delirium: Delirium is a global cerebral dysfunction characterized by alterations in cognition and consciousness. Anxiety, changes in sleep patterns and decreased attention precede. Delirium is acute onset than dementia. Delirium is often occurred in seriously ill patients who get side effects of treatments, malignancy, and chemotherapy. In medications, neuroleptics and anesthetics are used. Haloperidol is first-line therapy especially in hallucination. Benzodiazeptines, such as diazepam, lorazepam are used to sedate patients. Regular schedule and being with familiar person are helpful to delirium patients.


Insomnia: There are many things to disturb sleep, e.g., antidepressants, steroids, caffeine, and alcohol. Assessments of insomnia should include specific questions about time to sleep, time to wake up, sleep maintenance, effort to sleep at night and so on. As a doctor, improvement of sleep hygiene is the first thing to recommend to insomnia patients. Regular time for sleep, decreased nighttime distractions, decreased caffeine and other stimulants, waking up regularly, and elimination of napping are those.


Existential Needs and Their Management

A Physician is often hesitant about involving themselves in the religious, spiritual, and existential experiences of patients because it seems like private are and non-relevant from medicine. But it is needed for physician to detect spiritual and existential needs of, especially seriously ill, patents. Screening questions are appropriate, not deeper evaluation or intervention.  

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