Prayer for Containing COVID-19 and People suffering from it

 Prayer for Containing COVID-19 and People suffering from it

We thank the Holy Father God who is the master of the creation of heaven and earth, the master of all life.

Father God, we give glory to you for letting us live in your precious love and grace today, leading us to your kingdom that will never be lost or destroyed, and allowing us to do your work and live our lives.

In the past, we would come to your temple and offer praise and prayers with out beloved brothers and sisters. But due to COVID-19, we are separated.

As in the words of 1Corinthians 3:9, “We are the field of God and the house of God,” we realized through the word that each mind is important, not the physical buildings.

Father, when your words are with in our hearts, we also realized it is heaven and precious your kingdom.

Now, the world is in such a difficult situation due to COVID-19. Father, please be merciful to us. Please make us to keep our thoughts and minds, and to always have a heart of live for the word so that we do not lean left of right. 

Let the angels be with those who are in trouble by COVID-19. Also we hope that the vaccine will be developed as soon as possible so that this disturbance can pass quickly. Please help us.

Please join the medical staff who care the patients suffering from COVID-19. Please help us unite and over come this hardship to follow the quarantine guidelines and to let us get rid of our complacent thoughts of being the only one.

Encourage us to join prayer for God so that the feast of prayers will not end.

May this feast of prayer be given upon you.

Thank God and we pray for all of these in the name of Jesus Christ who crucified for us.



  1. In spite of mistreatment by the government, Protestant groups & the media, all 200,000+ Shincheonji Church congregants prayed for an end to COVID-19 & 1700 donated their blood plasma to help find a vaccine. This is an unprecedented gift; thank you, Shincheonji❤️

  2. Amen...! I should pray too tonight🙏🙏🙏
